SCONUL bookings

Use our online tool to book to visit the library.

*Please note for all other sites use the standard bookings page to book your SCONUL visit.

Information for visitors

  • Book your visit 24hrs in advance.
  • You must provide your FULL name and valid email address.
    Failure to do so may result in refused entry.
  • Bookings must be confirmed via the link in the automated email, within 30mins of booking.
    The system will cancel any unconfirmed bookings.


  • Closed access / special collections can be requested, subject to availability.
    Please contact us in advance if you know you require special collections items for your visit. We cannot gurantee availability for on the day requests..
  • No access to ual computers or loanable items. Only reference access to books and journals.
  • Find out more on Alumni and SCONUL resources.
  • Some sites may have the wifi network 'The_Cloud' for guests, you will need to follow on screen instructions.
    This access is not guarenteed.
  • Visitors can use on site catalogue terminals to search for items.
  • You can print from personal devices using our webprint service papercut.
    A guest account will need to be created and credit added. These accounts are temporary and are deleted by IT after a period of time and unused credit will be lost. Find out more about on printing here and the IT printing support page.

Additional information

  • Visitor spaces are limited. We reserve the right to limit bookings at times of high demand to ensure fair access.
  • You must leave site when the library closes or by 10pm (when the library is open later). 
    There is NO visitor access to our 24hr opening.
  • View the Library Services Code of Conduct

Vacation opening hours

Monday - Friday
17th June to 27th Sept

 Camberwell Library  9am - 10pm 
 CSM library  9am - 10pm 
 Chelsea Library 9am - 10pm 
 LCC Library  9am - 10pm
 LCF Library   9am - 10pm 
 Wimbledon Library   9am - 10pm 
 High Holborn   9am - 6pm 



 Camberwell Library   10am - 8pm 
 CSM library   10am - 8pm 
 Chelsea   10am - 8pm 
 LCC Library   10am - 8pm 
 LCF Library   10am - 8pm 
 Wimbledon Library   10am - 8pm 
 High Holborn   CLOSED